Friday, October 28

App to Detect Hidden Spy Camera

App to Detect Hidden Spy Camera

Detect Hidden spy camera using hidden camera detector app : Magnetometer feature need to have magnetic sensor in your phone, other wise this feature will not work. Hidden Camera Detector app helps you detect hidden spy cameras in hotel rooms, changing rooms and detect CCTV cameras.

whether you are travelling, staying in hotel rooms, Airbnb or even trying cloths in changing rooms, scan for pinhole wired cameras, wireless cameras as well as infrared cameras with this app.

How to use this app. How to find camera 
Move app near to any device that you have doubt. For example - shower, flowerpot, lens looking part or changing room mirror.

This app analyse the magnetic activity around the device. If magnetic activity seems similar to that of camera, this app will beep and raise alarm for you so that you can further investigate.

You have to move app facing your sensor towards the object.To know sensor position of your phone, have any camera and move nearby top of your phone and bottom of your phone. When it beeps, you find the sensor position

Infrared camera detector - This app has one more tool which is detect infrared lights.Just open the infrared detector and scan for white light that appear on screen but not visible by naked eye. Such white light indicate infrared light.It could be infrared camera. Your normal cam can also detect it but what we have is inbuilt feature with luminescence effect.

What less, get some easy techniques that can save you from potential exposure to hidden camera. You can share the location with friends easily if you find the camera so that they can take precaution when they visit this place.

App has multiple ways to detect hidden camera-

Detect wired camera - With this mode, app analyse magnetic activity around suspicious objects and if find magnetic activity similar to camera , it beep with red status so that you can further investigate.

How to use - Move top left corner of your iPhone very close to the suspicious objects. It could be screw, flowerpot, shower head or anything that you find suspicious. If app beeps when brought closer to the object and when moved away, stop beeping , further investigate for camera lens.

Detect infrared camera - You can also detect infrared cameras. Just close all lights and open IR camera mode and scan moving iPhone 360 degrees, If you see white light or blue light that is invisible to naked eye, then it is infrared light and could be infrared camera.

Lens Detector : Introducing lens detector feature from v1.5. This feature uses artificial intelligence to detect mobile camera, CCTV, electronic device etc. You can now configure your own frame rates and toggle flashlight for better processing. Select lower frame rate if your iPhone is dropping frames. Select higher frame rate if you have latest iPhone with good processor.

Detect bluetooth camera - App scans nearby BLE devices and if any device is found to be suspicious, app will show respective message. App has comprehensive list of commercial bluetooth connection endpoints to detect bluetooth cameras.

Detect wifi camera - Follow the step by step guide inside app to detect WiFi cameras.

Hidden camera detector app also provides tip & tricks so that you can stay protected with some simple tricks and hacks.

Android App
iOS App