Thursday, January 12

Recover Deleted Messages on WhatsApp

Recover Deleted Messages on WhatsApp

WhatisRemoved+ is an application that allows you to monitor notifications and folders in the pursuit of changes and deleted files so you never miss anything in your favourite messaging applications. During the installation, you can select the applications and folders that you want to monitor.

If the application detects a change in a notification or deleting a message, it will notify you so you can know what happened, either by a deleted message , by a file deleted or by some application showing important information.

WhatisRemoved+ does not send your information to external servers , they’re only on your own phone. WhatisRemoved + will also not save all notifications, only those whose applications you manually select. We have created a configurable installation tool and a lot of learning algorithms that allow you to adapt to the needs of each user, saving only what you really need.


  • Scan folders looking for deleted files.
  • A window for viewing all deleted messages.
  • Easy to configure.
  • Save a history of the notifications you choose.
  • Detects changes in notifications and notifies you of this.
  • A tab for each application with notification history.
  • System of search by groups of notifications.
  • Learning algorithms for a more precise and simple installation.

WhatsRemoved+ is an app that lets you detect any change in a message. Thus, if someone sends you a message and deletes (or edits) it for any reason before you can read it, you have the possibility of recovering it and looking over it in its original format.

Upon installing WhatsRemoved+ you can pick which apps you want to monitor. You can select as many apps as you wish, keeping in mind that when a message from one of these apps gets modified for any reason, you'll get a notification. Of course, this could be especially interesting for IM services like WhatsApp or Telegram, where you can edit or delete text messages. And also for social networks like Twitter, where someone can delete a tweet.

WhatsRemoved+ is an interesting app that should be used with a dose of prudence. In the end, if someone has deleted a text message or photo before you could view the content, it's because they didn't want you to see it. And if you do, you're betraying their trust.