Tuesday, November 9

Edge Mask Android App

Edge Mask Android App

EDGE MASK allow you to apply the same effect to notifications, so the entire interface of your device has one uniform style. But if for any reason you don't want borders on a particular app, just select it from the options menu. The border appears on all screens except for the apps you've excluded.


  • I'll change the design of the old notification.
  • Change to unique notification design.
  • Notification receive effect
  • Message pop-up design customize

Mask effect
Samsung rounded corners

3 types of Notification receive effects
Punch hole lighting, Edge lighting, Edge lighting wave

7 types of Message pop-up design customize
Ripple, Card, BIg icon, Book mark, Samsung, Apple, Super slim

Effect when the screen is turn on
Hello lighting

Always on display support (AOD)

Please send us your comments

Add round borders to your Android device with the app EDGE MASK, simulating the look of a Samsung Galaxy S8. Personalize it even more by changing the size and color of the border, which is black by default, in the app's options.
Add an elegant touch - at least Samsung's idea of elegant - to your Android device with the interesting customization app EDGE MASK.